Friday, November 9, 2012

Song of the Week - “Sweet Victory” by David Glen Eisley

Song of the Week is, for now, the only feature on Stetson’s Garden. I absolutely love listening to music, and more than that, I love sharing the music I love with other people. So, I plan on showcasing one song at the end of each week and writing about why I love it, why I felt the need to share it, why I think it is a special song worth sharing.

My original intention in starting this blog was not to discuss day-to-day politics so often, but I got a bit excited over the past week or so (obviously).

Tuesday was a very sweet night for me, as I’m sure it was for a little more than half of my countrymen, hence the song choice.

Wednesday was not nearly as saccharine. The vindication of the President’s first four years in office as well as the demonstrable proof that hope and compassion could dominate cynicism and greed (manifesting both in the policies of the candidates and their campaign strategies) evoked in me a great sense of pride and happiness, both of which – unfortunately – receded back into my brain once I realized that not much had actually changed.

Washington remains set for another session of deadlock, just as it has spent the last few years. And the President has one last precious term to define his legacy. Although we presently seem to judge the man based on the recovery of the nation’s economy (which, by the way, is improving), history may come to rely on Obama’s attempts at social reform, failed or successful, to make a final judgment of his legacy.

Already, he has delivered with actions such as the Affordable Care Act and getting American troops out of Iraq. But now he will have to rely on bipartisan cooperation to improve upon his record, unfortunately bipartisanship in DC nowadays is as rare as a bloody steak.

It’s a victory, but right now it’s not so sweet.

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