Thursday, November 8, 2012

4 More Please!

Can we talk about this?

I don't know if it's worse that people are making fun of the people who think Obama will ruin the country or that people think that Obama is going to ruin the country.

Speaking of the state of American political discourse, did you see Bill O'Reilly saying people (implying minorities) only voted for Obama because he promised them entitlements? Is that helpful to the country? Is that even true?

At least in 2004, when Bush was reelected and Democrats were apoplectic (and - similar to what Mr. O'Reilly announced - said he only won because of the religious right) it was because Bush had started and was continuing two unwinnable wars which were rife with corruption and scandal, were costing trillions of dollars and millions of lives. Not to mention, he had lied to the public about the reasons for one of them. Not to mention, he also sort of, kind of stole at least one of his two elections.

Obama's  ended one of those two wars and will end the other by the end of 2014. When he entered office, he got out the defibrillator to save an economy that was on its death bed. Since then, the United States' economy (for whatever reason) is currently recovering from the WORST GLOBAL FINANCIAL DISASTER to occur in the last 70 years. And because he signed a health care reform bill into law - a law that only bring the United States up to speed with the health care systems of other first world countries, mind you - because of that he's going to ruin the country?

By no means is he or his policies perfect but has he single-handedly destroyed the values of the country? Save for the NDAA, Obama has never wiped his ass with the Constitution in the way Bush and the Department of Homeland Security did from during his administration. Nor has the Obama administration been rocked by scandals in the way Clinton (Whitewater) and Reagan (Iran-Contra) were.

And remember how W became a laughingstock of the world because he couldn't properly pronounce a single word in the English language? People around the world were laughing at the stupidity of the President of the United States (and the stupidity of the electorate that voted for him) for eight years and now, when Obama concedes that a horribly offensive anti-Muslim video made in the United States is horribly offensive or when he shows respect to a foreign dignitary by bowing to him, now America has become the laughingstock of the world. Really?

Oh yeah: He also expanded anti-terror efforts which led to the revenge-murder of Osama Bin Laden.

So just shut up. If 8 years of George Fucking W. Bush bury the United States in a shallow, desert grave, 4 more years of Obama won't even come close.

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