Friday, March 1, 2013

Song of the Week: “Home” by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros

We need more whistling, but whistling that’s actually whistling and not just the noise people make when they blow air through their lips. We need more whistling like Andy Griffith Show type whistling, where the person whistling is happy and having fun. Sometimes whistling can be menacing or haunting or something bad like that, but we need more whistling like this.

They seem so happy.

This may be the perfect whistling song, what with all the bouncing and happiness and love and all of that. Why can’t all music be like this? Why can’t life be like this? People should just have fun and dance around and whistle instead of putting on some trumped up bogus routine.

And what an idea! It’s an old idea, this idea that a person can be home, that “home is wherever there is you.” But it is a great thing to hear about. It seems like a cool idea. It seems desirable.

I don’t know. I’m tired.

I want home.

But who?

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